An Indian Vacation

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A visit to a village near Mangalore

Everytime I travel to India I wonder what I will do with time I plan to spend there. And every time, time flies and I wish I had stayed longer. Warm tropical India with its many people and cultures offers many surprises and distractions to all who care to visit. But best of all, is the friends and family that await you on the Indian shores. Here goes a brief account of my trip to India in November 2005. Enjoy.

Pretty pictures are aplenty

Beauty as far as the eyes can see is what the rural scene provides for the weary visitor.

The moon beckons to stay awhile

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For who is all this beauty?

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The Indian sunset

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Tanks build to preserve rain water

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Pretty streamlet, whereto do thee flow?

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Come stand and stare

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Visiting a village school

I visited a village school. Needless to say it was fun.

Come with us to our village school today

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Scenic road to school

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Primary school we graduated from

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Best of friends are we

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Scenic road to school

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A stop before school to pray especially during exams

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The path we tread towards knowledge and understanding

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Yonder behind the green trees is my school

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The village school

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Coming to school each morning

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A village class room

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Attending a Holy communion party

Party time for the religious

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Dressed in white

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Holy sacrament of communion

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First holy communion

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Visiting a temple at Dharmastala

Photography is not allowed inside the main temple where the dieties are covered in gold, perhaps for security reasons. But here are a few images of the temple's sorroundings. Enjoy!

Spiritual merchandise at Dharmastala temple

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Colorful shops outside the temple at Dharmastala

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What wish went with this bangle hung by the temple door?

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Entrance to the Dharmastala temple

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